Érdekességek, Jobbnál jobb ötletek nyelvtanulóknak
Walt Disney Studios
A Walt Disney Studio az a filmstúdió, mely otthona a legfantasztikusabb rajzfilmeknek és mesefilmeknek, amit valaha a világon készítettek. A Hófehérkével és a hét törpével kezdodött 1937-ben (Ez volt a világon az elso "egész estét betölto" rajzfilm.) Aztán így folytatódott: "Pinocchio" (1940), "Fantasia" (1940), "Dumbo" (1941), "Bambi" (1942), "Song of the South" (1946), "Cinderella" (1950), "Alice in Wonderland" (1951), "Peter Pan" (1953), "Lady and the Tramp" (1955), "Sleeping Beauty" (1959), "101 Dalmatians" (1961), "Mary Poppins" (1964), "Jungle Book" (1967), és "The Rescuers" (1977).
Walt Disney ma is tartja a Guiness Világrekordot. O az, aki a világon a legtöbb díjat nyerte, köztük 31 Oscar, és Disney volt az elso jelentos filmstúdió 1954-ben, ahol közvetlenül TV képernyore alkalmas filmeket készítettek. A stúdiónak volt néhány gyenge éve Walt halála után 1966-ban, de napjainkban a Disney rajzfilmgyártás varázslatos reneszánszát éli olyan klasszikusokkal, mint a "Kis Hableány", a "Szépség és a Szörnyeteg", az "Aladdin", az "Oroszlán király", "Pocahontas", a "Notre Dami toronyor", "Herkules" és a "Mulan". Ezt a sort pedig olyan élofilmekkel folytatta, mint a "Drágám, a kölykök összementek". A "Lilo és Stich" is nagy sikernek bizonyult. Mégis az o utóbbi néhány rajzfilmjük, mint az "Atlantis: Az elveszett birodalom" és a "Csodacsibe" nem váltották be a hozzáfuzött reményeket. Ezzel szemben a versenytárs Pixar Films óriási sikert aratott a "Hihetetlen család"-dal, a "Toy Story"-val, a "Szörny Rt."-bel, a "Némó Nyomában"-nal. Így 2006-ban a Disney kivásárolta a Pixart 7.4 milliárd dollárért. Majd karácsonykor megjelentek a "Narnia"-val, mely figyelemre méltó sikert aratott. A Disney azt reméli, hogy ebbol a "Harry Potter"-hez hasonló franchise válik.
Eközben a Disney két másik stúdiójában, a "Touchstone Pictures" és a "Hollywood Pictures," elkészült a sikeres "The Sixth Sense,", "Down & Out in Beverly Hills," "Three Men and a Baby," "Sister Act" és a "Pretty Woman," , és ezzel ok lettek az egyik legsikeresebb modern filmstúdió Hollywoodban.
A Disney Studios azonban elkövetett legalább egy óriási hibát az évek során: elutasították Steven Spielberget 1982-ben, amikor felajánlotta nekik az „E.T."-t.
Az elmúlt években a következo filmek kerültek még ki a híres hollywoodi stúdióból: "Casanova," "Cinderella Man," "Shopgirl," "The Aviator," "Sky High," "Pirates Of The Caribbean," "The Princess Diaries," "Herbie: Fully Loaded," "National Treasure", "The Village," "The Alamo," "Hidalgo," "Open Range," "Finding Nemo", "Freaky Friday," "Sweet Home Alabama," "Lilo & Stitch," "Signs," "Pearl Harbor," "Spy Kids," "In The Bedroom," "The Santa Clause 2", "Bridget Jones' Diary," "crazy/beautiful," "Snow Dogs," "Gone in 60 Seconds," "102 Dalmations," "Coyote Ugly," "Dinosaur," "Fantasia 2000," "Bicentennial Man," "The Talented Mr. Ripley," "Runaway Bride," "Inspector Gadget," "Tarzan," "Life is Beautiful," "My Favorite Martian, "A Civil Action," "Mighty Joe Young," "Shakespeare in Love," "The Waterboy," "Enemy of the State," "Angels In The Outfield," "A Bug's Life," "Armageddon," "Beloved," "The Parent Trap," "Mafia!," "6 Days, 7 Nights," "The Horse Whisperer," "He Got Game," "Good Will Hunting," "Wings of the Dove," "Jackie Brown," "George of the Jungle," "Scream 2," "Face/Off," "Con Air," "The Rock," "Evita," "Ransom," "G.I. Jane," "American Werewolf in Paris," "Starship Troopers," "Phenomenon," "Emma," "Romy and Michele's High School Reunion" and "The English Patient."
Paramount Studios A legújabb Paramount TV filmek: "Everybody Hates Chris," "Numbers", "Love Monkey," "Medium," "Dr. Phil," "Charmed," "Girlfriends," "One on One," "Reba," "The Parkers," "7th Heaven," "Frasier," "Star Treck: Enterprise" és "JAG".
A Paramount egyre árassza ki a sikeres filmeket. A legújabb filmek között található: „Mission Impossible III," "Brokeback Mountain," "Last Holiday," "War of the Worlds," "Alfie," "The Longest Yard," "Your's, Mine & Ours" "The Manchurian Candidate," "School of Rock," "Vanilla Sky," "Star Treck: Nemesis," "Sum of All Fears," "Crossroads," "Tomb Raider," "Vanilla Sky," "We Were Soldiers," "Shaft," "Double Jeopardy," "The Talented Mr. Ripley," "Sleepy Hollow," "Angela's Ashes," "The General's Daughter," "The Truman Show," "Star Treck: Insurrection," "The Rugrats Movie," "Payback," "Varsity Blues," "The Odd Couple II," és a kasszasiker: "Titanic" (ez a Fox-szal koprodukcióban készült), "Face/Off," "Breakdown," "In & Out," "Kiss The Girls," "Star Treck: First Contact," "Mission: Impossible," "Forrest Gump," "Sabrina," "Clueless," "Braveheart," "Ghost," "The Brady Bunch" "Indecent Proposal," "Clear and Present Danger," "The Firm," and "Hunt for Red October."
A Paramount egy hatalmas, csillogó stúdió, a területe csaknem olyan hatalmas, mint Disneyland. A foszezonban több mint 5.000 alkalmazott dolgozik itt. Ha csak megkísérled kívülrol körbekocsikázni a stúdiót határoló kerítést, rájössz, hogy milyen óriási. Van egy nagy víztorony az udvarán, mely azokra az idokre emlékeztet, amikor még saját tuzoltósága és kórháza volt. A Paramount Stúdió egy két órás gyalogtúrát kínál a turistáknak, melynek során bebarangolhatják a történelmi stúdió óriási területét. Ha kívülrol pillantunk rá, megláthatjuk említésre méltó vaskapuját, mely a stúdió legjellegzetesebb képe. Ha láttad már a Sunset Boulevard-t, ismeros lesz Neked a Paramount Stúdió díszes, kovácsoltvas kapuja. 1926-ban építették, ez a felújított, boltíves kapu a Bronson Sugárút északi végénél található (ezért is nevezik „Bronson Kapu"-nak). A kapunak van egy különös története. Az idegenvezeto állítása szerint az extra vasdíszítés, mely a tetején látható, utólag került oda, amikor Rudolph Valentino orült hölgyrajongói átmásztak, az akkor még alacsonyabb bejáraton. A kapu további érdekessége az is, hogy Charles Bronson (akinek a neve eredetileg Charles Buchinski volt) magát errol a kapuról nevezte el.
Híres filmstúdiók Hollywoodban A www.seeing-stars.com honlap oldalairól fordítva
A hollywoodi sztároknak van egy közös tulajdonságuk, mindannyian áthajtottak a legendás hollywoodi filmstúdiók kapuin. Ezek a sztár gyárak. Itt dolgoznak a sztárok, itt készülnek a celluloid álmok a toronymagas falak mögött, melyek körbezárják a képzeletvilágot.
A mai fiatal sztárok, mint Leonardo DiCaprio és Alicia Silverstone ugyan azon a kapukon hajtanak be, mint akik annak idején örömmel fogadták Rudolph Valentinot, Clark Gablet és James Deant is. Több mint egy tucat filmstúdió van Los Angelesben a világhíru Disney-tol a kisebb népszeruségnek örvendo Ren-Mar-ig. Van néhány stúdió, ahol idegenvezetos "tárlatvezetést" kínálnak a nagy nyilvánosságnak, de mindnek van legalább egy olyan kis elkülönített helye, ahol az ezüst képernyo történetének képeit bemutatja. Íme itt egy kis bemutatás Hollywood filmstúdióiról, megtalálod a legnagyobb filmeket, amiket ott készítettek és a sztárokat, akik ott játszottak. A teljesség igénye nélkül.
Hollywood Története 2
Forrás: wikipedia.com angol nyelvu oldalairól fordítva
In 1985, the Hollywood Boulevard Commercial and Entertainment District was officially listed in the National Register of Historic Places protecting important buildings and ensuring that the significance of Hollywood s past would always be a part of its future.
In June 1999, the long-awaited Hollywood extension of the Los Angeles County Metro Rail Red Line subway opened, running from Downtown Los Angeles to the Valley, with stops along Hollywood Boulevard at Western Avenue, Vine Street and Highland Avenue.
The Kodak Theater.The Kodak Theatre, which opened in 2001 on Hollywood Boulevard at Highland Avenue, where the historic Hollywood Hotel once stood, has become the new home of the Oscars.
While motion picture production still occurs within the Hollywood district, most major studios are actually located elsewhere in the Los Angeles region. Paramount Studios is the only major studio still physically located within Hollywood. Other studios in the district include the aforementioned Jim Henson (formerly Chaplin) Studios, Sunset Gower Studios, and Raleigh Studios.
While Hollywood and the adjacent neighborhood of Los Feliz served as the initial homes for all of the early television stations in the Los Angeles market, most have now relocated to other locations within the metropolitan area. KNBC began this exodus in 1962 when it moved to from the former NBC Radio City Studios located at the northeast corner of Sunset Boulevard and Vine Street to NBC Studios in Burbank. KTTV pulled up stakes in 1996 from its former home at Metromedia Square in the 5700 block of Sunset Boulevard to relocate to the 20th Century Fox lot in Century City. KABC-TV moved from its original location at ABC Television Center (now branded The Prospect Studios) just east of Hollywood to Glendale in 2000, though the Los Angeles bureau of ABC News still resides at Prospect. After being purchased by 20th Century Fox in 2001, KCOP left its former home in the 900 block of North La Brea Avenue to join KTTV on the Fox lot. The CBS Corporation-owned duopoly of KCBS-TV and KCAL-TV moved from its longtime home at CBS Columbia Square in the 6100 block of Sunset Boulevard to a new facility at CBS Studio Center in Studio City. KTLA, located in the 5800 block of Sunset Boulevard, and KCET, in the 4400 block of Sunset Boulevard, are the last television stations with Hollywood addresses.
Additionally it has once served as the home of nearly every radio station in Los Angeles, all of which have later moved into other communities. KNX was the last station to broadcast from Hollywood when it left CBS Columbia Square for a studio in the Miracle Mile in 2005.
In 2002, a number of Hollywood citizens began a campaign for the district to secede from Los Angeles and become, as it had been a century earlier, its own incorporated municipality. Secession supporters argued that the needs of their community were being ignored by the leaders of Los Angeles. In June of that year, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors placed secession referendums for both Hollywood and the Valley on the ballots for a "citywide election." To pass, they required the approval of a majority of voters in the proposed new municipality as well as a majority of voters in all of Los Angeles. In the November election, both referendums failed by wide margins in the citywide vote.
Runaways One feature for Hollywood since the 1960s has been its attractiveness for desperate runaways. Every year, hundreds of runaway adolescents leave their homes across North America and the world and flock to Hollywood hoping to become movie stars, as portrayed by the lyrics of the 1960s Burt Bacharach song "Do You Know the Way to San Jose?" whose lyrics include the words: "All the stars That never were Are parking cars And pumping gas." Such individuals soon discover that they have extremely slim chances of competing against professionally trained actors. Many of them end up sinking into homelessness, which is a problem in Hollywood for adults as well as youth.
Some return home, while others linger in Hollywood and join the prostitutes and panhandlers lining its boulevards others go to Skid Row in Downtown Los Angeles and yet others end up in the large pornography industry in the San Fernando Valley. This side of Hollywood was portrayed in Jackson Browne s 1980 song, "Boulevard", whose lyrics include reference to a notorious hustler hangout of the 1970s, with the words: "Down at the Golden Cup They set the young ones up Under the neon lights Selling day for night." This phenomenon is also portrayed in the books of Charles Bukowski.
Richard Geib, a schoolteacher in the Ojai Valley, recalled his experiences with Hollywood mentioning runaways and gang members as major presences in Hollywood [1].
[edit] Revitalization After many years of serious decline, Hollywood is now undergoing rapid gentrification and revitalization with the goal of urban density in mind. Many new developments have been completed, and many more are planned, and several are centered on Hollywood Boulevard itself. In particular, the Hollywood & Highland complex, which is also the site of the Kodak Theater, has been a major catalyst for the redevelopment of the area. In addition, numerous trendy bars, clubs, and retail businesses have opened on or surrounding the boulevard, allowing it to become one of the main nighttime spots in all of Los Angeles. Many older buildings have also been converted to lofts and condominiums, and a W Hotel is planned at the famous intersection of Hollywood and Vine, which will serve to even further revitalize the area.
City of Beverly Hills City of West Hollywood Sunset Strip
Demographics As of the census of 2000, there are 167,664 people in the Hollywood district. The racial makeup of the neighborhood is 42.82% White (non-Hispanic), 4.48% African American, 0.68% Native American, 8.98% Asian, 0.12% Pacific Islander, 22.23% from other races, and 6.76% from two or more races. 39.43% of the population are Hispanic or Latino of any race. The income per capita was estimated at $26,119, putting it ahead of Burbank, California, and about the same as Arcadia, California.
Special events Annual Hollywood Christmas Parade: The 2006 parade on Nov 26th, was the 75th edition of the Christmas Parade. The parade goes down Hollywood Boulevard and is broadcast in the LA area on KTLA, and around the United States on Tribune-owned stations and the WGN superstation. [2] CINECON Classic Film Festival and Exposition (Annual timing is five days -connected to Labor Day weekend) Classic film memorabilia, expert presentations, author signings, and movie screenings with celebrity guests. This list is incomplete you can help by expanding it.
Vélemények rólunk
"... Persze, hogy szeretek hozzátok járni, mert kötetlen, családias a légkör, nagyon kedvesek és képzettek a tanárok. Nagyszerű a sulitok, mindenki elégedett Nálatok, és igyekeztek a diákok kedvében járni. Szóval mindenkinek érdemes benéznie, aki nyelvet akar tanulni, mert ez az iskola jobb, mint ..."
K. G. tanuló
"Ismerve magamat, tudom, egy csoporton belül elvesznék. Ha csak egy másik tanuló is van, aki válaszolhat helyettem, én már nem gondolkodom. Itt "rákényszerítenek" az önálló gondolkodásra, nem hagyják felületessé válni a tudást. A sok ellenőrző teszt, írásban és szóban, magabiztos tudást ad.
Na és a barátságos, családias légkör sem utolsó..."
F. M. tanuló
Nem jó ez a nyelviskola, mert már három hónap tanulás után azon töröm a fejem, hogy ha elérem az angollal a célomat, akkor rendbeteszem a német nyelv(nem)tudásomat. Azt hiszem, túlságosan kötődöm a nyelviskola munkatársaihoz. Jó ez???
(P.V. tanuló)
Mindenkinek megéri egyszer kipróbálni, aztán lehet, rákaptok, mint a cukorra. Nagyon sokszor, sőt szinte mindig nevetünk az órákon. Az ünnepi órák pedig különlegesek. Alkalomhoz illoen van minden. Filmeket nézünk és zenét hallgatunk, abból tanuljuk a szavakat és a mondatokat. A közösség nagyon jó, szerintem megéri.
(H.D. tanuló)
Jó lenne, ha megismernénk egymást egy vidám partiórán. Mi jól érezzük magunkat, garantáljuk, hogy Te is vidáman mész haza.
(G.I. tanuló)
Jól érzem itt magam, mert oldottan, játékosan tanulhatok itt nyelvet. Az különösen tetszik, hogy különböző korú és foglalkozású társakkal alkotunk egy közösséget.
(U.É. tanuló)
Új szavakat, dalokat tanulunk, amit az órákon esetleg nem, ezeknek hasznát vehetjük még a nyelvvizsgán is. Plusz órákon gyakorolhatjuk a nyelvet. Ami a legfontosabb, nagyon jó a hangulat.
(M.P. tanuló)
Fontos, hogy feloldjuk azt a gátlást, amit a társalgás elkezdése okoz. Játékos feladatok során egyszerű kifejezésektől a ritka szófordulatokig minden előfordul. AZ első mondat kimondása a legfontosabb és legnehezebb. Köszönöm, hogy itt lehettem.
(S.A. tanuló)